Conventional Perforating Guns

SWM’s line of conventional TAGs/scalloped, slick, and tubing retrievable guns provides operators with additional options for matching guns to the demands of the application. Each of the perforating guns offers the same reliable, safe, and easy-to-set-up operations that are cornerstones of the SWM gun line.

Length of Gun1 to 25 ft
OD3-1/8, 3-3/8 in.
Shot density (shots per foot)1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
PhasingAny angle
Shape ChargesStandard Sizes
Pressure20,000 psi
Length of Gun1 to 25 ft
OD3-1/8 in.
Shot density (shots per foot)1, 2, 3, 4
PhasingAny angle
Shape ChargesStandard Sizes
Pressure7,500 psi to 20,000 psi
Length of Gun2 to 21 ft
OD1-9/16, 2, 2-1/2 in.
Shot density (shots per foot)1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
PhasingAny angle
Shape ChargesStandard Sizes
Pressure20,000 psi
Connection TypeBolted or Threaded